Spotlight Series
features solo and chamber music concerts by established musicians from Music Salon Emmanuel and internationally acclaimed visiting artists. Members of the audience get to mingle with the performers in an informal setting to share and learn about music.

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Young Talents Series
showcase promising young virtuosos on the cusp of professionalism. It is always thrilling to watch the debuts of talented people, for they represent new voices we are hearing long before the rest of the world discovers them.

Student Concert Series: Evening Showcase

provide opportunities for our pupils to gain valuable experience performing before an audience. We feature pupils of all age groups playing an array of instruments taught at our Music Salon.

Music Lectures
These events offer a welcoming listening environment where experts share their knowledge on a wide range of subjects in music. Participants in masterclasses and workshops gain access to new ideas and hear different views from those who are specialists in their field. They gain insights on techniques, musical expression, and stage presentation. For many, participating in these classes helps them to overcome performance anxiety. Members of the audience learn vicariously through the experience and examples of others. For many, these could be life-changing events.

Upcoming Events
Book now for an event Spotlight Series
Book now for an event Rising Stars Series
Book now for an event Masterclasses I Workshops I Music Lectures
Book now for an event Student Concert Series